Schedule Changes

Swordfish and Kodak will be attending Smak Zone in Patterson, MO for Operation Eminent Storm June 1-2. We signed up for Contras, see you there.

Folger is captain of the 914 GIR at DDay this year. There will be a few members in attendance to support him. We look forward to playing again with Thomas Goings, CO of the 914.

Swordfish has accepted the XO position for Beaches of Normandy: Undefeated at White River Paintball. This event is July 13-14 in Anderson, IN. We would like to thank Karl Mauzy of The Outdoorsmen for giving us this opportunity.

We are cancelling Tippmann World Challenge in lieu of John A. Logan Hunting and Fishing Days. These events both fall on the same weekend. In order to grow the sport we have to start at home and due to this we will have to go to Hell Survivors another time. Our apologies.